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Margolin Hebrew Academy | Enrichment K-4th

Margolin Hebrew Academy

Margolin Hebrew Academy | Enrichment K-4th
Mon, Sep 11, 2023 - Mon, Dec 18, 2023
4:45 PM - 5:30 PM
Program type:
Special Events
Open spots:
No limit


Kidokinetics provides your child with unique sport experience! Regardless of a child’s level or ability, this program introduces basic concepts of a variety of sports in a safe, non-competitive environment, and ensures that every child builds self-esteem, self-confidence; learns teamwork, sportsmanship, kindness, and respect; and feels like a winner!

Event requires a yearly registration fee of $25.00 (per kid).

$49.50/kid/every 30 days
Past Event
Margolin Hebrew Academy
390 S White Station
Memphis, TN 38117