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Tutor Time on N Canton Center Dr Enrichment

Tutor Time on N Canton Center Dr

Tutor Time on N Canton Center Dr Enrichment
Thu, Feb 22, 2024 - Ongoing
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
2-5 yrs old
Program type:
Open spots:


Join us for 30 minutes of fun, games, and activities designed specifically for your child's development! This program will occur weekly on Thursdays, and ages two years and older are welcome to sign up! The groups will be broken down into groups of five to 10 based on enrollment numbers and ages. This ensures that the program will match your child's specific needs and abilities. Billing will occur monthly, and you may edit your enrollment at any time!

Special Instructions

Register at the front desk of your Tutor Time, ask for Cyndi to get you signed up!

Event Dates

Classes are held Thursday from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Click to view specific dates and times.

Registration through a third party
Tutor Time on N Canton Center Dr
951 N Canton Center Rd
Canton, MI 48187