Kidokinetics is a nationwide sports enrichment program that partners with schools like yours to offer a playful introduction to sports for kids that makes real exercise…really fun! Increased physical activity in youth has physical, cognitive, social, and emotional benefits that help them develop. Kidokinetics brings a sports enrichment & physical education program to your child’s school that kids, parents, and educators love!
Special Instructions
Please add to cart to begin enrollment process and you will have the opportunity to add coupon codes at checkout! Direct all questions to
Staff members please reach out before enrolling for a special discount.
Kidokinetics is a nationwide sports enrichment program that partners with schools like yours to offer a playful introduction to sports for kids that makes real exercise…really fun! Increased physical activity in youth has physical, cognitive, social, and emotional benefits that help them develop. Kidokinetics brings a sports enrichment & physical education program to your child’s school that kids, parents, and educators love!
Special Instructions
Please add to cart to begin enrollment process and you will have the opportunity to add coupon codes at checkout! Direct all questions to
Staff members please reach out before enrolling for a special discount.